John Arthur Todd FRS was a British geometer. He was born in Liverpool, and went to Trinity... more » | |
J. Arthur Seebach, Jr was an American mathematician. He received his Ph.D. in 1968 from... more » | |
John Barkley Rosser Sr. was an American logician, a student of Alonzo Church, and known for his... more » | |
Jeffrey Charles Percy Miller was an English mathematician and computing pioneer. He worked in... more » | |
Jesse Ernest Wilkins, Jr. was an African American nuclear scientist, engineer, mathematician,... more » | |
John Henry Constantine Whitehead FRS, known as Henry, was a British mathematician and was one of... more » | |
J. Hyam Rubinstein FAA is an Australian mathematician specialising in low-dimensional topology,... more » | |
John Michael Steele is C.F. Koo Professor of Statistics at the Wharton School of the University... more » | |
Jagdish Narain Srivastava was an Indian-born mathematician, statistician and a professor at... more » | |
Jon Peter May is an American mathematician, working in the fields of algebraic topology,... more » | |
James Victor Uspensky was a Russian mathematician notable for writing Theory of Equations. He... more » | |
John William Scott Cassels, FRS is a leading English mathematician. more » | |
Josiah Willard Gibbs was an American scientist who made important theoretical contributions to... more » | |
Jaan Sarv was an Estonian mathematician and educator. Most of his life he worked as a professor... more » | |
Abū Muḥammad Jābir ibn Aflaḥ was a Muslim astronomer and mathematician from Seville, who was... more » | |
Jack R. Edmonds is a Canadian mathematician and computer scientist, regarded as one of the most... more » | |
Sir Jack Hibbert was a British statistician and director of the Central Statistical Office of... more » | |
Jack Howlett CBE was a British mathematician and computer scientist who was head of the Atlas... more » | |
Jack Carl Kiefer was an American statistician. more » | |
Jack Johnson Morava is an American homotopy theorist. Of Czech and Appalachian descent, he was... more » | |
Jacobus Hendricus van Lint was a Dutch mathematician, professor at the Eindhoven University of... more » | |
Jacob L. "Jake" Barnett is an American physics student and child prodigy. According to a memoir... more » | |
Jacob Bernoulli was one of the many prominent mathematicians in the Bernoulli family. He was an... more » | |
Jacob Bronowski was a Polish-Jewish British mathematician, biologist, historian of science,... more » | |
Jacob Leupold was a German physicist, scientist, mathematician, instrument maker, mining... more » |